In a world full of resources and abundance there is no need for any person to suffer from, or die of, starvation. Our ShareCare Programme seeks to link those who have extra with those who have very little...see more

Plans are underway to build a permanent hall in Emmaus to facilitate the church functions and play-centre. The play-centre has over 65 children attending and receiving nourishing food and educational care... see more

Our Johannesburg South charity shop, in partnership with Hidden Treasure, has been going since October 2009.
All profits are used to assist needy widows and orphans...
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"As partners [Evangelism and Social action] belong to each other and yet are independent of each other. Each stand on its own feet in its own right alongside the other. Neither is a means to the other, or even a manifestation of the other. For each is an end in itself. Both are expressions of unfeigned love. - JOHN STOTT